The Hawkbill pipe is easily recognizable among other pipe shapes, because its conception is literally the opposite of standards. It is said that the Hawkbill shape (also called "Donkeynut") would have been created by the Italian house Castello. Concretely, what distinguishes it from others is the reverse bending of its shank. Usually, a bent shank forms a circular arc pointing upward, but the Hawkbill pipe shank points downward. This main difference is truly its appeal, because the bowl can take different classical shapes (Tomato, Author, Egg, ...). The Hawkbill pipe has a long shank compared to the size of the stem. The latter is worked in a manner to perfectly follow the inclination of the shank. In France, the Hawkbill shape is nowadays proposed by the pipe master Pierre Morel, but it is more commonly found in Italy with the pipes from the brand Ser Jacopo, Il Ceppo, or even through some creations of Luigi Viprati.