The three golden rules of pipe smoking

The three golden rules of pipe smoking

23 09 2018
Most of all, smoking the pipe means taking some time for yourself and enjoying the present moment... When you are in the company of a nice tobacco-pipe, time ceases to exist!

Rule n°1: Take your time

If there was only one rule to remember about pipe smoking? Without a doubt it would be: take your time!

A little me-time:

Smoking a pipe is the embodiment of rest and relaxation. You should take the time to really taste and experience the flavors. Generally, the pipe smoker has his little habits... First of all, he will painstakingly prepare everything he will need (the pipe of course, a pipe tamper, a lighter and naturally his tobacco). Then, each smoker will have his preference for the perfect place and time: enjoying a pipe in the garden sitting in a comfy deckchair, tasting a pipe while watching the sunset or in the morning while drinking a nice cup of coffee... Whatever the time and place, the smoker lives for these quiet moments!

Un moment détente avec sa pipe

Preparation :

The smoker will first start by preparing to pack. With a bit of dexterity and time, this operation will get easier and easier. Packing tobacco in the chamber is important because this will affect all the following steps! Packing too tightly will hinder the combustion, and you will subsequently have a hard time drawing. We generally recommend dropping little pinches of tobacco bit-by-bit (don't compress it too much so the tobacco can still "breathe"). Only at the end, toward the rim of the chamber, can you compress it a little bit more. This way, the passage of air will be perfect and you won't have to constantly relight your pipe.

Preparing to pack

How do you know if you have successfully packed your pipe? Even before lighting your pipe, put it in your mouth and draw. You will be able to feel if drawing is easy, or if it is met with too much resistance. Was the test not satisfactory? If this is the case, dump the tobacco out, grab a pinch of tobacco and start packing again little by little, without compressing too much. Don’t worry, with time packing will become more and more natural.

Jean from la Pipe Rit

Ready for lighting it up:

Here you are, your pipe is ready, you are now operational and ready to light it up. Each smoker has his preference for the tool used to light up. Whether you are a fan of pipe lighters or classical matches, the method is the same: you bring the flame close, trying to evenly light up the entire surface of the tobacco. Of course, you will also have to draw on the pipe so that it lights up correctly. One or two puffs later, and you will notice that the tobacco has slightly gone up towards the rim of the chamber (we say it "swells up" after lighting). All you have to do is take your tamper (which you had previously put aside) and very gently push down on the embers. Be delicate, if you compress too much your pipe will go out. Conversely, if you manage to do it well by "moving" the embers down towards the bottom, you will even the surface and ensure the combustion to be evenly distributed.

Your pipe went out anyway? Don't worry about it...! It happens to everyone, beginners and old-timers alike. Just take the time to relight (unless you are in the middle of a pipe smoking contest, haha...) and you're off. From there, you can take a series of shallow puffs a few seconds apart to keep the combustion going without heating up the chamber. If your pipe goes out, you can relight it right away. You shouldn't relight it if it has been out for a long time, though, since it won't taste as good; you are better off emptying the chamber and repacking.

Is your dear pipe giving off pretty puffs of smoke now? Relish it, savor it, take your time, it's your moment!

Ready for lighting it up

If you prefer using a lighter for your pipes, you should definitely choose one with a soft flame. Avoid "storm", "blow torch" and "torch" lighters as the flame is too hot and may damage or even crack the wood of your pipe. Also, for the lighter fluid prefer butane to petrol, as petrol tends to leave an unpleasant taste. 

Bastien from la Pipe Rit

Rule n°2: Cherish your pipe

A pipe is unique:

It's more than a simple piece of wood, a pipe is yours, it is a cherished companion. It will be with you for years to come. As time goes by, this relationship will become more and more personal, even sentimental. Are you wondering why? Each pipe has a story! A smoker will always be able to tell you about HIS first time or THE time when he chose that pipe over another... No pipe can be compared to the next : each pipe has been crafted differently. Unique designs, craftsman series, collection pieces... there is plenty to be said. You should know that each pipe has its own taste! Another reason to try many different lengths and shapes :-)

Taking care of your special one:

Above all, you choose a pipe because you like it. Was it making eyes at you? That's all it takes... It has been following you now for many years, always loyal ! To keep a pipe in good shape, you have to take care of it. Don't rush the break-in, but also maintain it throughout the years! Mandatory rest after each use, regular clean-up... these are important practices if you want to keep your pipe in good shape year after year! Basically, it means no overheating; if it starts heating up, leave it alone for a minute and then resume smoking. It also means running a pipe cleaner through it from time to time to avoid the accumulation of dirt, which will give a foul taste to your smoke.

Besides the post-smoking clean-up, you also need to pamper your pipes in between smoke sessions. Ideally you should place the pipe on a special pipe rack (or stand), bowl down (to avoid the remaining moisture to accumulate in the airway), clean and ready for next time.

One, two, three... pipes:

If you are sitting comfortably at home by the fireplace, you will definitely enjoy using a long pipe. If you are walking your dog, your best choice will be a short, bent pipe as you will be able to easily hold it in the corner of your mouth. I'm sure you understand by now that a pipe smoker has many pipes: one pipe for each activity or moment of the day. If you are short on time you will most likely choose a pipe with a small chamber. On the other hand, if you have a whole afternoon to yourself, a large chamber will be ideal to enjoy a longer smoke. It is for all these reasons that a smoker has 1,2,3 pipes... and even more! Yes, it's easy to become a collector.

Pipe smoker

Rule n°3: Enjoy yourself

I got good tobacco:

One of the great "things" about pipes, is that you can try a whole bunch of different tobaccos. An incredibly large variety is available and there is something for everybody: natural/ aromatic, light-bodied/ full-bodied, loose/fine cuts, blends... The choices and possibilities are endless. Obviously, you need time to fully appreciate a tobacco. You might also need a great deal of patience (and a number of kilometers) to find a well-stocked tobacco shop (especially in France). For this very reason we wrote a few lines to help you get to know the different brands of pipe tobacco. Don't forget that taking your time to smoke your pipe will enable you to fully enjoy all of its aromas. Conversely, smoking too fast will not let the tobacco give you its full potential of flavors!

Even though there is a wide range of tobaccos, we always advise against smoking a tobacco that is too (let's say : way too) aromatic. A cherry or lemon tobacco (to name only two) will quickly become sickening. Finding the right pipe tobacco can take time, and appreciating it takes even more time.

Claire from la Pipe Rit

Tobacco pipes

Choisir un tabac à pipes

The pipe, it is better:

Smoking a pipe is very different from smoking a cigarette. The art of pipe smoking is closer to smoking a cigar. In fact, you don't let the smoke go down into your lungs. The tasting happens in the mouth, without inhaling the smoke. Smoking a pipe from time to time is in direct contrast to a cigarette smoker, who will hurry to finish one cigarette before immediately lighting up another... Yes, the pipe smoker enjoys himself and he will often choose to smoke more rarely, but he really enjoys those moments.

But deep down, what is the difference between a good and bad pipe smoker? The bad smoker is a guy that just smokes... and well... the good smoker is a guy that doesn't know how to smoke hastily! 

The unknown smoker...

The pipe, it is better

THE pipe (Winslow pipe)

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